
Hi, my name is Diane. Growing up, dogs were a constant part of my life. It was my role at an animal shelter, however, that truly ignited my deep affection for these loyal companions.

Years later, I welcomed Dallas, a rescue dog with a host of behaviour challenges, into my life. Determined to make a difference for Dallas, I sought professional guidance and dove headfirst into a year-long, hands-on apprenticeship under Stephanie Durante. 

My approach to dog training is straightforward, rooted in the belief that each dog is a unique individual. I’m intensely passionate about working with challenging dogs who possess “big feelings.” I employ positive reinforcement and humane training methods, with an unwavering commitment to ensuring that training is both effective and enjoyable.

There is a reason behind every behaviour; behaviour is a form of communication. My role is to teach you how to understand that communication and build a deeper, more meaningful connection with your dog.

In addition to my hands-on experience, I pursue continued education to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in dog training and behaviour.